A private faith-based Pre-Kindergarten 3
through 8th Grade School in Lower Manhattan
welcoming all faiths and all people.

Our Admissions Process
Step I
Register for a School Tour (Virtual Info Session & In Person Campus Visit)
You are invited to our Virtual Information Session with a Leadership Team member first, and then we welcome you to visit in person to see our campus!
NEXT VIRTUAL TOUR DATES AND TIMES: February 25, March 11, March 25, April 8, April 29
Register above to view virtual info session dates.
Then, you will be welcomed to tour the Campus(es) in person that is aligned with your child(ren)'s age/grade. This process allows us to share information about our philosophy, educational approach, and the basics of the day to day operations in a live virtual setting. Then you visit our school with that important knowledge so you can see our approach in action during a 30 minute visit. We meet many wonderful families and community members and it is a priority to keep any interruptions to a minimum.
At these campus visits you will:
Meet more of our Leadership and Staff
Observe the School Environment
Discover Our Diverse Programs
Understand Our Expectations and Academic Achievements
Learn about the Nurturing Design of our Facilities
Contact admissions@transfigurationschoolnyc.org for more information.
Step II
Apply for Entry and Schedule an Assessment
Complete an application form (FORM HERE) and submit electronically to admissions@transfigurationschoolnyc.org or by mail/in person at your child's School Campus OR the Main Office, 29 Mott Street, NYC 10013.
Contact admissions@transfigurationschoolnyc.org or call 212-962-5265 to schedule your assessment. A $50 assessment fee (non-refundable) per student payable to Transfiguration School.
Step III
Register and Submit Documentation
Once you have received official notification of acceptance, you must sign our Enrollment Agreement and complete the necessary forms for registration. You must also submit copies of the following records and required payment within two weeks of the date on your acceptance letter or your placement into the school will be forfeited.
1) Birth Certificate (orginal and copy)
2) Health Examination Form (original and copy)
3) Baptism Certificate if Catholic (original and copy)
Please note the following:
Please reference the Tuition and Fee Schedule available on our website or in the school office.
Transfiguration School uses SMART TUITION to collect its payments. Instructions on how to make your payments electronically will be issued at registration.
You may always reach out to the school for any question by emailing info@transfigurationschoolnyc.org